Example: Tracking the same batch across different products or variants

If you want to sell the same batches across multiple products or variants, you can use our sister app, Simple Bundles along with Freshly to accomplish this. This will allow you to sell multiple versions of a product (e.g. varying by price or quantity) while still taking from the same batch. 

First, we'll show you how to set up your parent product on Simple Bundles and Freshly (4 steps), and then we'll show you how inventory is deducted from batches when products are sold. 


1. Create a bundle product on Shopify. You can also choose to add variants to this product. These will become your parent products on Simple Bundles. In this example, I want to sell from one batch but in different product versions that differ by price (regular price, breeder price, and wholesale price). 

2. Next, create the base product on Shopify. This is the product that will be sold across your various products. Later, you'll create batches on Freshly for this product. To make this product no visible to your customers, click "Manage" under Sales channels and apps and uncheck the options. 

3. Next, go to your Simple Bundles app, and select "Build bundle". Select the products and variants that you will be using to sell your base product. In this example, I selected the product variants I created in Step 1. For each bundle variant, select "Add products" and add the base product that you created in Step 2. Optionally, you can add the quantity of the base product you'd like to sell and also modify the prices that you want to sell your product variant. You can repeat this step for your other bundle variants as shown in the bottom left-hand side of the screen. 

4. To create batches for your base product, go to your Freshly app. Select "Add batch" to add inventory and optionally, expiry dates and other batch details to your batch. All the parent products that you created in Step 1 will subtract from the base product's batches when orders are received. 

In this first example order, I purchased 100 units of the Apple Fish Wraps (Wholesale) variant. 

When the order is received, on Freshly, I can see that 100 units of my base product are added: Apple Fish Wraps (base SKU for Freshly tracking). This inventory quantity is deducted from my base SKU's batch. 

Similarly, for this second example, when I purchase 1 unit of the Apple Fish Wraps (Regular) variant, this inventory quantity is also deducted from the same base SKU's batch. 

From the two order examples, I can see that the quantities were deducted from the same base SKU batch. I originally had 200 in stock. My first order had 100 units and my second order had 1, which leaves 99 units remaining. 

Simple Bundles offers greater flexibility in order management. To learn more, visit the Simple Bundles help center. Please contact us if you'd like assistance in setting up your parent products/variants or base SKU batches on Freshly. 

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