Setting up products and variants in Shopify
When you first get started in Freshly, you may not have the right inventory policies set up on all of your products and variant you want to track in Freshly. This guide will walk you through the basic setup needed for you to start tracking your Shopify products and variants.
Setting inventory tracker to Shopify
Navigate to your product page and scroll down to inventory. Make sure to check off Track quantity and you should be all set.
If you have variants set up for your products, navigate to each variant you want to track inventory for and select Track quantity.
Setting up inventory tracking for each location
To track inventory tracking for a product or variant, click on Edit locations under Inventory for the product or the variant.
Check the locations you want to track the product or variant inventory and you should be all set. 🙌
Setting up inventory policy to deny
To ensure that you are not selling products or variants when they run out of batches or inventory, you want to make sure that Continue selling when out of stock is not selected. This will ensure that your products are not sold when the inventory and all inventory batches reach a quantity of 0.
If you have any questions about making sure your products are all being tracked properly, feel free to reach out to our team.